Woodworking Knowledgebase
From Wayne's Dusty Box of Words
This is where I keep all the modern woodworking links and notes.
Captive Articles
Transcribed articles saved from the Internet (cited where possible):
Useful YouTube Channels
- Rob Cosman – Hand tool focused with lots of good info; somewhat heavy-handed on the marketing.
- Paul Sellers – English, hand tool focused. Lots of good info especially for the less experienced.
- Wood By Wright - James Wright's main channel
- Wood By Wright 2 - James Wright's Hand Tool Focused YouTube Channel
- Jay Bates - Mostly power tools, but lots of interesting projects and ideas.
- Joshua Farnsworth - Runs a hand-tool oriented school in central VA (I have taken a class there). This channel has a lot of buyer's guides and other stuff mostly, mostly geared at beginners.
- Stumpy Nubs - Lots of content, much of it of the shorter variety. Pretty good.
Links to the "good stuff" hopefully they stable:
How-To Web Pages
How-To Videos
This is non-YouTube content, most of it is pay-walled. But if I have paid for it, it's got to be good, because I am cheap when it comes to content. There's just so much free stuff, that if you are going to pay for it, it has to be high quality.
- The English Woodworker - Richard Maguire, you guessed it, is English. He's got one of those accents where you could just listen to him read the phone book and be amused. He makes furniture, not repros, with hand tools. Has a blog and some videos. The real good stuff is project builds on video. His SO, Helen Fisher, a maker in her own right, is the videographer. The editing is light but polished. The projects are good, I bought them as they came out, so they were cheaper that way.