Food & Recipes

From Wayne's Dusty Box of Words

You don't get to be this size and not at least have some passing acquaintance with food. Growing up, my mother didn't really like to cook. Once I could see over the top of the stove and had a better than 50/50 chance I wouldn't set myself on fire, I got qualified on the oven and stove left to my own devices for any food that wasn't a family meal. That's not to say I really know how to cook, but I won't starve and people seem OK with what I cook.

Collecting a few recipes here so I can find them again. Perhaps you'll like them, perhaps not. If you hate it, you probably did it wrong :) I should note that none of these are my creation. They at least started out as someone else's recipe, I may have made some changes, but that's hardly creation per se.

I'll add pictures as I can. I don't normally have the phone in the kitchen, but I guess I will have to start.
